Sunday, November 29, 2009


I have look at two different peoples blogs and both have done the same thing they have written letters to people. So i'm sorry if your one of those people... not meaning to copy you...

To .....

you really are a better friend then you think... yoru a great friend... even if you dont believe it

Love Alison

To Someone

I really do forgive you... even if you don't believe that either...

Love Alison

To everyone,

Never forget that someone loves you... in the words of Stellar Kart... You got me and Jesus

From well me...

thats pretty much it... i don't have anything else to say...

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Ok they aren't really wrinkles they're smile lines... so i'm pretty sure its a good thing... but none the less... PEOPLE AT SCHOOL... YOU'RE MAKING ME LOOK OLD!!! but you're also making me smile and laugh so much to give me smile lines... so... i guess i can't complain...
Sorry i was watching TV and an anti ageing add came on... and earlier today we were playing truth or dare on Lucy's ipod and i was asked if i would ever get plastic surgery... and i said no... i think ageing and wrinkles are just natural and in my case, they show that i'm happy...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


today was just one of those good days... aced my maths test... or atleast i think i did... and played celebrity heads all through english... i was snape... but everything just seemed bright and happy... but the dead plant looked deader??? if thats a word... it was kinda a day of both extremes, the living things looked really bright but the dead things looked really dead.

All in all though it was an awesome day... and the fail cake brightened my day yesterday, even though it was liam's... we decided it represented our group... wierd(cos it did not look anything like cake)... but still awesome(it tasted sooooooooooooooooo goooood)
So that has been my last two awesome days...

Monday, November 23, 2009


Tests suck... like they really really suck... they must be one of the worse things in the world!!! well thats a lie... a big lie when you think about it... things like poverty and global warming are much much worse... but tests still suck.

I have two tests tomorrow, a music theory test and a Japanese test... and before Louise reads this and is all like "awwwwwwwwwwww poor year 9 only having two major tests"... I KNOW SENIOR SCHOOL IS HARDER BUT YOU STILL COMPLAINED IN YEAR 9 AND TESTS ARE STILL JUST AS BAD!!!... sorry Louise but you know you would have... and test do suck... plus i have 1 essay and 2 assignments due soon... grrrr.... i hate the end of the year...

Now that I'm done complaining about tests, today was a good day, and the weather made me happy... that's the best thing about summer... it just seems happier... i know its just because it is brighter and colour wise just more cheerful then winter... but in someways it's more depressing, because everything dies in the heat, the grass and the flowers and the plants... the roses are already generally dead... when just a month ago they were amazing... but summer still seems happier... its wierd...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I have no idea what to say.....

this is wierd... blogging is wierd... seriously who just thought one day maybe i'll write my thoughts on a website and see who can be bothered reading it... i've had a blog for what 2 days, and have only done 1 post and i have no idea what to right... Seriously this is just going to get worse, so my posts will be random wether i want them to or not, i just probably don't know what to say... so yeah here is my post that i wrote when i didn't know what to say about how i don't know what to say... kinda a crappy topic... oh well its done now...

Friday, November 20, 2009


How can people see things like stars and mountains and sunsets and still think that there is no god. I don't get it, like with the sunset and the lighting last night, things that beautiful don't just happen, they are made.
I don't get how people look at a tree and see no beauty, like have you ever sat down in front of a tree with a piece of paper and just tried to draw it. It's like impossible, the amount of leaves and the way they hang perfectly. The way the branches tangle with each other. Its such a simple thing, but it is so complex. My tree's are still cartoons...

When i say i like a certain tree people think i'm nuts... but they are just one of those things that really show me gods beauty... to me trees are amazing, almost impossible, who just thinks of a tree how did god just go i know trees there going to be brown with green things, its like if you had never seen the sun, do you think you could have ever thought of it... God is amazing... what an imagination... it doesn't get much better then that
