How can people see things like stars and mountains and sunsets and still think that there is no god. I don't get it, like with the sunset and the lighting last night, things that beautiful don't just happen, they are made.

I don't get how people look at a tree and see no beauty, like have you ever sat down in front of a tree with a piece of paper and just tried to draw it. It's like impossible, the amount of leaves and the way they hang perfectly. The way the branches tangle with each other. Its such a simple thing, but it is so complex. My tree's are still cartoons...
When i say i like a certain tree people think i'm nuts... but they are just one of those things that really show me gods beauty... to me trees are amazing, almost impossible, who just thinks of a tree how did god just go i know trees there going to be brown with green things, its like if you had never seen the sun, do you think you could have ever thought of it... God is amazing... what an imagination... it doesn't get much better then that